Mark Cohan
Chair and Associate Professor, Anthropology and Sociology
Associate Appointment, Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
- 1989: Bachelor of Arts (magna cum laude), University of Florida
- 1995: Master of Arts in Sociology, University of Florida
- 2002: Ph.D. in Sociology, University of Florida
- Dissertation: "Straight Talk: Discourse, Narrative, and the Construction of Male Adolescent Heterosexuality”
- Representative publications:
- Waland, Jasmine, Mark Cohan, & Laura Titzer. 2021. “Sharing Power, Building Community: Strategies for Improving Nutrition Education at Food Pantries.” Research Conducted on Behalf of Northwest Harvest. http://redhawks-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/mcohan_seattleu_edu/EU-URkIp3mZBuLzoSWWh0QcBDseho7R5ZbJYuSNmQE5snQ?e=Kc71yu
- Cohan, Mark. 2016. “Establishing the Scene in Steampunk Live-Action Role Play.” Pp. 371-380 in The Production of Reality. 6th Ed. Edited by Jodi O’Brien. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
- Cohan, Mark. 2014. “Shooting Blanks: The Problem Of How We Talk About Mass Shootings” Weblog Entry. Gender & Society. Posted: 7/24/14. Last accessed: 1/22/15. http://gendersociety.wordpress.com/2014/07/24/shooting-blanks/
- Cohan, Mark & Kathleen Cook. 2013. “Two Sides of the Same Coin: The Sociological and Psychological and Social Psychology of Crime.” Pp. 163 – 188 in Helfgott, J.B. (Ed.). Criminal Psychology, Volume 1. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers.
- Cohan, Mark. 2009. “Bad Apple: The Social Production and Subsequent Reeducation of a Bad Teacher.” Change, (November/December), 32-36.
- Cohan, Mark. 2009. “Adolescent Heterosexual Males Talk About the Role of Male Peer Groups in Their Sexual Decision-Making.” Sexuality and Culture, 13:152-177.